lemongrass projects.
Mirroring the ebb and flow of conversations, and the course of human history, wine is the unsung hero we could all learn a little bit more about - by drinking and chatting, of course.
New Zealand is a wine success story. In the last 20 years, wineries have become something just short of the de riguer, and at last count our mighty nation hosted 744* of them.
With these vineyards and cellar doors sprinkled throughout our beautiful country, there’s an ever blooming collection of homegrown tipple to tickle your fancy… but only so much time in your busy life, which is why we’re bringing the best of the best direct to you, along with leading lights in the international scene.
Where wine is the answer to any question, Winetopia is here to escort you through the sumptuous world of reds, whites, and the flourishing universe of everything in between.
Winetopia is an annual celebration of New Zealand wine, held in both Auckland and Wellington, with Christchurch every second year.
our work.
We specialise in taking people to the very heart of a subject that they are most excited about. Food, wine and new experiences are also our passions too.